FAQs- Pranic Healing

Q. What is Pranic Healing? 

A. Pranic Healing is an energy healing modality developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. It is based on the manipulation of "prana," the life force energy, to accelerate the body's natural healing processes. It involves the cleansing, balancing, and energizing of the body's energy centers to promote overall well-being. 

Q. How does Pranic Healing work? 

A. Pranic healing involves working on the energy levels in the chakras. It is based on two basic principles: 

  • The body is capable of healing itself.

  • For life to exist, the body must have prana (life energy) 

Q. What are chakras

A. Chakras are spinning energy centers that serve as entry and exit points for prana, the life force energy, in the body. They not only control and energize the vital organs of the body but also control and affect a person’s psychological and spiritual conditions. 

Q. What conditions can Pranic Healing address? 

A. Pranic Healing can complement conventional medical treatments and may help with various physical, emotional, and mental conditions such as stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and minor ailments. It is not a replacement for medical care but can be used as a supportive therapy. 

Q. Can Pranic Healing be done remotely? 

A. Yes, Pranic Healing can be performed remotely. Distance healing sessions are conducted effectively through the understanding that energy is not limited by physical boundaries. 

Q. How many sessions are needed for results?   

A. The number of sessions required varies depending on the individual's condition and response to treatment. Some people may experience improvement after a few sessions, while others might require more consistent sessions over a period for significant results. 

Q. Is Pranic Healing associated with any specific religion or belief system? 

A. Pranic Healing is a secular practice and does not promote any specific religious beliefs. It is based on universal principles of energy and healing that can be applied by individuals from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. 

Q. Does Pranic Healing serve as a substitute to medication? 

A. Pranic Healing is not a substitute for conventional medicine or medical treatment. It is considered a complementary therapy that works in conjunction with medical practices. While Pranic Healing can contribute to overall well-being and aid in healing ailments, it is essential to consult with healthcare professionals for any medical conditions or concerns. Integrating Pranic Healing alongside medical treatment can offer holistic support, but it should not replace prescribed medications or treatments without proper medical advice or supervision. 

Q. Do pranic healers have the same role as medical doctors?

A. No. Pranic Healers undergo specific training in energy healing but do not hold the same qualifications as medical doctors. They concentrate on energy manipulation, chakra balancing and holistic healing to complement standard medical care. However, they do not diagnose medical conditions or prescribe medications unless they hold medical qualifications in addition to their Pranic Healing training.